
Welcome! We look forward to the new season and for the opportunity to work with all of you!make the most of welcome offers

THE 2021-2022 OHS CHEER TEAM (in ABC order)

Bryn Allen
Ava Bergeland
Amirah Coleman
Olivia Haines
Samantha Haines
Destiny Keesy
Lindsey Kramer
Morgan Lang
Alice Medeot
Kylie O’Malley
Bryanna Oppliger
Betsabe Ramos
Anna Seidel
Paige Stevenson
Ianna Torrey
Brenna Updike

*Check out the calendar tab on this website to view team practices and event dates. Get excited…this is going to be an awesome season!

Questions? PLEASE CONTACT COACH KELLI PIERCE (klpierce@oregonsd.net)